“She’s so judgmental and nasty,” Tom said. “I want her to open. I want her to stop being so demanding and cold.”
“She’s shut down, numb, stressed, and obsessed with tasking. It’s like she’s replaced our relationship with a To-Do List. She always has an excuse why she doesn’t want to spend time with me or have sex.”
This is what Masculine Shielding looks like in your wife. It's like getting an "emotional stiff arm" in the gut.
“Is she doing this out of spite?”
“Is she withholding love and affection to purposefully punish me?”
Masculine Shielding is the way your woman is trying to handle fearful thoughts, anger, and anxiety.
When Tom called me, he was frustrated by his wife’s lack of trust, intimacy, and love. She was so busy, stressed, and cold. He wanted more. He wanted something to be different. He wanted to know WHY she was being like this.
Why is this Masculine Shielding happening?
“Tom, your wife has developed her Masculine Shield to protect herself from pain and disappointment.”
Masculine Shielding is a Sex & Sensuality Killer
“As soon as your wife needed to harden herself, put up armor, and keep her emotions out of her body, she externalized all her energy. A woman's sexual response, emotional intimacy, and desire for connection must to come from the inside of her. But since she’s shut this down, she’s cold, demanding, and task-oriented. She’s trying to protect herself.”
Her ability to "shield up" and "shut down" is a powerful evolutionary tool that ensures her survival. It helps her survive, but it doesn’t help her thrive, and it’s a relationship killer.
Here are 3 steps you need to take immediately:
1. Identify how your wife uses masculine shielding to fearfully protect herself.
2. See your woman's closure as a poorly designed protective shield and a covert request to be seen.
3. Learn how to bloom her through past pains into a connected, intimate, passionate marriage.
An initiated man knows what she wants, even when she doesn't know how to say it.
“None of her shielding will help her feel the safety, trust, and surrender she WANTS in a sensual, connected, and exciting relationship with you.”
Your wife doesn't want her armor to "out man" you.
She wants you to notice, understand why it is there, and move in to “fight the dragon” that is destroying your intimacy and your marriage.
She wants you to be a badass King and know how to de-shield her.
- Your wife doesn't want to be stressed, directing, shut down, and numb. She wants to feel alive, flowing, and safe to be herself in love, life, and relationship.
ANNOUNCING: "The C-NOTE SHOW" live, FREE group calls with coach Jeff Allen and Cynthia Kruse
"The C-NOTE SHOW" is for the good guy who wants to be a great man in his marriage and learn how to lead intimate healing with his wife.
Learn the stages of reconnection, understand her reactions, learn what she wants, and why she is closing down.
- You have to know what she wants, even when she doesn't know how to say it.
"The C-NOTE SHOW" is a FREE weekly call, the first three Tuesdays of each month starting May 3rd, 12PM Mountain Time/7PM London Time: Q&A.